Monday, February 10, 2014

Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site

Caleb does such an amazing job going to sleep.  We have always been really blessed with this.  Some nights he will even point to his bedroom letting us know he's ready for bed.  Or if he doesn't do that and it's time for bed, we will say "Ok time for bed Caleb" and he gets a big smile on his face and walks into his bedroom.  Praise the Lord for this!!

For Christmas we gave him the book Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site and he absolutely LOVES it!  He says 'nigh nigh' to all the trucks.  His favorite is 'duu tuu' aka dump truck.  It's so precious hearing him 'say' new words and I truly enjoy seeing him get excited about reading a book every night.  Ok until our next post, Nigh nigh everyone and enjoy the pics.

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