Friday, April 4, 2014

Shaving is for men

So the other day Caleb came up to me and was slightly whining.  I turned to see a toddler with blood on his mouth and hands.  I was wondering what in the world happened?!?  I then noticed Dave's shaver on the bathroom counter and Caleb's ladder pushed up against the counter.  I guess he was trying to be like daddy.  He cut his top lip "shaving" just a tiny bit but we all know how bad shaver cuts bleed.  Try holding a paper towel on a toddlers lip for more than 2 seconds...yeah it doesn't happen.  I found a solution!  I put Vaseline on his lip to help "seal" the cut.  It worked!  I then showed Caleb the razor and said that it's daddy's razor.  He sure keeps us on our toes.  Below is the best pic I could get.

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