Friday, September 5, 2014

Kapaun Cabin Outing

We ventured up to the cabin again this year. We didn't go last year so this was Caleb's first experience up in Outing, MN. He thoroughly soaked up the cabin experience just like Dave and I do and he talked about it for many days and weeks afterwards.

Dave and I both have so many cabin and lake memories from growing up and we want our children to experience the exact same thing. We absolutely love the cabin life!!!

Caleb didn't sleep the best there so he got the opportunity to snuggle and sleep in bed with mommy. One night I had the most overwhelming heartwarming experience. Caleb woke up so I pulled him into bed with me. I was laying there thinking this is the third night in a row how he had woken up really early and how I was running off of very little sleep. Little sleep and being pregnant is not a good combo. But then I looked at his cute little face in the dark and realized that he never sleeps with us so I was enjoying the moment. Then to top it off he took his hand reached over and grabbed my hand. My heart grew bigger and let's be honest what kind of mother would not tear up at this moment? Tiredness was no longer a thought but instead the love for my son consumed my mind. God softened my heart that night and reminded me how much of a blessing children are even when you feel exhausted.

Below are pictures of the fun we had!!

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