Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3 months

This little lady turned 3 months.  I just love her so much!  She is always so happy and smiley.  Miss Terri who watches her during the day absolutely adores her and says the same thing that she's super happy, smiley and chatty.  I can agree with her that Zoe is definitely little miss chatterbug.  Her sweet high pitched singing/squeals makes me wonder if she's the next Carrie Underwood?!?  She is discovering her hands which usually end up in her mouth.   She is perfecting tummy time.  She's still trying decide if she likes this brother of hers.  She smiles at him most of the time but sometimes I think he scares her because he's so loud and tends to get up in her grill.  Don't worry Zoe, you two will get along in 18 years.

I have two favorite moments from this past month.  When I came home from my first day back to work, she saw me and got the biggest smile on her face. Right then I knew how much she recognized me and loved me!  My other favorite moment I was getting ready to give her a bath, I lifted her arm, tickled her armpit and she started giggling for the first time.  Baby giggles are the best!

Love you Zoe, Zoesters, Zoa and Zoebugs!  Happy 3 months you beautiful girl.

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